St. Stephen's Day, commonly known as Boxing Day, gets observed in various countries around the world, including Liechtenstein. This day serves to remember St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr who was stoned to death around the year 34 CE. His story narrated in the New Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Acts of the Apostles. In Liechtenstein, St. Stephen's Day is a public holiday observed on 26th December, a day after Christmas, allowing individuals to have a day of relaxation and enjoyment.
On St. Stephen's Day, most businesses and schools are closed. Although not much is known about the specific traditions in Liechtenstein, it's typically a day spent with family or taking part in outdoor activities, depending on the weather. The holiday season in Liechtenstein is characterized by joyful festivities, displaying a blend of German and Swiss customs due to its location. From displaying Advent calendars to setting up Christmas trees, the spirit of the holiday season permeates every aspect of life here.
St. Stephen's Day is an integral part of the holiday season in Liechtenstein. It is a time of rest, charity, and goodwill, as well as an opportunity to spend time with family and friends. The tranquil and beautiful scenery of Liechtenstein combined with its rich cultural heritage offers a truly unique holiday experience making St. Stephen's Day a special occasion for both locals and tourists alike.