National Heroes Day is a public holiday in Saint Kitts and Nevis that is celebrated on September 16 each year. This day is set aside to honor the individuals who have been pivotal in making significant contributions to the development and growth of the twin-island federation. The day was first observed in 1998, and the country's four national heroes are commemorated on this day for their heroic efforts toward the advancement of their nation.

These national heroes include the first Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Sir Kennedy Alphonse Simmonds, who played a crucial role in leading the nation towards independence. Other heroes also include Paul Southwell, Sir Joseph Nathaniel France, and Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw, all individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to various aspects of society, ranging from politics to social reforms. On this day, locals honor these national heroes’ memories through various ceremonies and public recognitions.

National Heroes Day not only commemorates past courageous heroes, but it's also a day that prompts reflection on the tradition of courage, resilience, and resolve that characterizes the deep-rooted Kittitian and Nevisian story. It's a day where the people pay tribute to those who gave selflessly for the continuous development of nation-building. The holiday serves as an excellent reminder for people to keep striving for a better, more inclusive society.

Upcoming National Heroes Day holidays in Saint Kitts and Nevis

National Heroes Day 2026

15 Sep 2026

National Heroes Day 2027

15 Sep 2027