Paraíba State Day is an annual public holiday in Brazil, specifically in the state of Paraíba, celebrated on August 5th. This holiday is unique to Paraíba and is a commemoration of the day the state was officially separated and given its identity as an independent region. It is a day for the citizens to express their pride in their state and its historical and cultural heritage.

The holiday was officially established to mark the creation of the state of Paraíba, which dates back to the 16th century. The Day of Paraíba expresses its residents' patriotic sentiment, and it's rich in cultural events during which locals and visitors participate in various activities such as parades, concerts, and exhibitions of local arts and crafts. Schools and most businesses are closed, and the people of Paraíba take the day to be with friends and family and to celebrate their state’s distinctive characteristics.

Moreover, the day also serves as a recognition of the hardship and struggles faced by the people of Paraíba during the era of colonization and their resolute spirit that has shaped the state's identity. Paraíba State Day not only offers an opportunity for the people to express their local pride but also serves as a reminder of their rich history and culture that contributes significantly to the collective identity of Brazil.