Peace and Reconciliation Day is a significant national holiday in Mozambique. Celebrated annually on October 4th, it commemorates the end of the Mozambique Civil War which lasted from 1977 to 1992. The holiday is synonymous with harmony and healing, as the country comes together to remember their shared past, the struggles they've overcome together, and the peace that they now enjoy.

On this day, various activities take place across the country to mark the occasion. Parades, musical concerts, public speeches and community events are common as the country celebrates unity and peace. Citizens also reflect upon the atrocities of the civil war and the importance of maintaining peace. This also serves as an opportunity for the society to acknowledge the reconciliatory efforts that brought an end to the long stretch of violence.

Peace and Reconciliation Day plays an important role in promoting peace education in Mozambique, as it reinforces the values of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. Through the narratives of the past conflicts, the younger generation is taught the meaning and importance of peace in society. The day also stands as a reminder for the government and citizens to uphold the ideals of peace and reconciliation in order to prevent a recurrence of such devastating conflicts.