Victory Day is a significant public holiday in Mozambique, commemorated every year on September 7th. This holiday is of great historical and symbolic importance to the people of Mozambique. Observed nationwide, it marks the end of the country's War of Independence against colonial rule, culminating with the signing of the Lusaka Accord in 1974. The victory over colonialism represents the triumph of Mozambique's struggle for self-determination and sovereignty.

On Victory Day, various events are held across the country, including military parades, cultural programs, and public speeches by political leaders. The holiday serves as a touchstone for the nation to remember its past, celebrate its independence and acknowledge the sacrifices made by countless Mozambicans who fought for their country’s freedom. The re-enactments of the war and commemorations of fallen heroes are significant parts of the day's recognitions.

Apart from the formal activities, Victory Day is also marked by festive celebrations that highlight the diverse culture of Mozambique. The streets are often dyed with the national colors: green, black, yellow, and white, representing the country's rich vegetation, African heritage, mineral wealth, and hope for peace. Concerts, music festivals, and sporting events are also popular, reflecting the vibrant life and culture of Mozambique that has emerged from those challenging times.