Rondônia State Day is an official public holiday in the state of Rondônia in Brazil. It is observed annually on the 4th of January. This special day is held to celebrate the separation of Rondônia from the Territory of Amazonas and its elevation to statehood, which occurred on the said day in 1982.

During this holiday, a series of events are held throughout the state of Rondônia, including cultural exhibitions, parades, concerts, and educational activities. These events serve as an opportunity for citizens to express their state pride, learn more about the history, and cultivate a sense of unity and community within the state. Government offices, schools, and many businesses are closed in observance of this state holiday.

Rondônia State Day is more than just a day of rest; it's a day of reflection and recognition of Rondônia's unique cultural and historical significance within Brazil. Uniquely, Rondônia is known for its rich biodiversity with its vast rainforests, rivers, and unique wildlife. So, this day also emphasizes the importance of protecting its ecosystem and promoting sustainable development.