Saint Devote's Day is a national holiday in the Principality of Monaco, celebrated every year on the 27th of January. This day is a tribute to Saint Devote, Monaco's patron saint. As the legend tells, Devote was a young Christian martyr who was persecuted by the Roman prefect Barbarus under Diocletian's reign and her remains were put in a boat and sent to Africa with two Christians only to be washed up on the shores of Monaco.

On Saint Devote's Day, various religious ceremonies and festive events are organized to honor Saint Devote's sacrifice. A solemn mass is held in Monaco Cathedral, presided over by the Archbishop of the Monaco Diocese. The Princely family, Monegasque institutions and many residents also take part in this mass. A great ritual of the day consists of a symbolic boat set on fire in the evening, replicating the boat which carried Saint Devote to Monaco. This marks the respect for her braving perils and guiding the boat to safety.

Moreover, Saint Devote's Day holds a special place in the heart of Monaco's residents reflecting their devotion to their patron saint. It's marked by widespread participation from the public including processions and folk festivities, adding to the nationalistic fervor. Apart from religious relevance, this day also stands as an emblem of Monaco's historical and cultural legacy. Most offices, schools and businesses remain closed on this day as it is celebrated with serene austerity and grandeur.