Saint George's Day, also known as the Feast of Saint George, is a holiday celebrated in various regions worldwide, including the state of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) in Brazil. The holiday commemorates Saint George, a Roman soldier and Christian martyr regarded as one of the most prominent military saints. In Rio de Janeiro, Saint George is highly revered, widely recognized as the protector of the city and has even been declared an official city holiday.
Saint George's Day in Brazil is celebrated on 23rd of April. It is a day marked with great adoration and jubilation, especially among the faithful. While the rest of Brazil goes about their normal routine, in Rio de Janeiro, many businesses and schools close down to honor the day. The locals celebrate with religious processions, masses, vigils, and feasts. People pour out onto the streets of Rio, making their way to churches to pay homage to Saint George, praying for protection and blessings.
The popularity of Saint George in Rio de Janeiro is so widespread that his figure transcends religious boundaries and is integrated into local popular culture. Afro-Brazilian religions, like Umbanda and Candomblé, syncretize Saint George with the African deity Ogum, the god of war and metals. In this context, the day takes on multiple layers of meaning and is a wonderful display of the cultural and religious diversity inherent in Brazilian society.