Unification Day, also known as the Little Union Day, is a national holiday in Romania. The celebration takes place every year on the 24th of January, and it is a significant event in the history of the country. This day signifies the unification of Moldavia and Wallachia back in 1859, a crucial step towards the creation of modern Romania.
The Great Assembly in Iași elected Alexandru Ioan Cuza as the prince of Wallachia and Moldavia on this very day. The decision basically led to the unification of the two principalities on a political angle and laid a foundation for the current Romanian state. It also set in place stronger relationships with European powers, enhancing foreign recognition for the unified region.
Romanians celebrate Unification Day with a variety of traditions and customs, from public ceremonies and military parades to concerts and fireworks. Schools and government offices are closed, and most people spend the day with their family and friends reflecting on their national history. The day is also an opportunity to engage cultural activities related to the nation’s rich historic heritage.