Youth Day in Palau is a very celebrated and important holiday. It is held annually on the 22nd of May. This day is dedicated to the young people of the country, recognizing their achievements and encouraging them in their continued growth and development. It is an official non-working day where a range of events and activities are organized across the country to celebrate the occasion.

The celebration includes cultural performances, sporting events, and other recreational activities. Schools, community and youth groups, and other organizations play a key role in the festivities. The activities serve as a platform for the youth to showcase their talents and skills. But, it's not only a day of celebration, it is also a day to address issues affecting young people in Palau, as well as discuss how they can contribute to the country's future.

It's a day that encourages young people to celebrate their unique individuality, while also promoting unity among them. They are inspired to take an active role in their communities and to strive toward achieving their goals. The day serves as a reminder to everyone in Palau of the importance of supporting the younger generation, as they are the future leaders of the nation. Overall, Youth Day is a significant event in Palau's calendar and is a day that celebrates the power and potential of young people.