All Saints Day, a Christian celebrated holiday, is observed in Mauritius on November 1st annually. This day is dedicated to honouring all the saints, known and unknown, of the Christian religion. Music, prayers, and religious ceremonies are part of this special day. As a religiously diverse nation, Mauritius celebrates this day in a very harmonious and colourful way.

Mauritian Christians particularly value this holiday as it allows them to remember and honour the deeds of all the saints and martyrs who have passed. This reflects the deep respect and commitment that Mauritians have to their faith. It carries an essence of spirit, bravery, sacrifice, and dedication of the saints towards the path of faith, giving the public the chance to remember and reflect on their meaningful lives and sacrifices.

On All Saints Day in Mauritius, locals attend church services and ceremonies to pay respect to the saints. Families get together to pray for the saints and the deceased members of their families. Many Mauritians also visit cemeteries to clean their loved ones' graves and lay flowers. This amplifies the sense of community and interconnectedness among the Mauritian people, also deepening their spiritual bond. It is a day of prayer, remembrance, and community in Mauritius.