Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is one of the notable festivals celebrated in Mauritius. This festival is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu deity who is known as the god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune. The festival is observed in the Bhadrapada month as per the Hindu calendar, which typically falls in late August or early September.
During Ganesh Chaturthi, devout Hindus in Mauritius participate in the festive rituals with immense enthusiasm and devotion. These rituals include installing clay idols of Lord Ganesha at their homes and public pandals, followed by prayers, music, cultural performances, and community feasts. The deity is worshipped for ten days, from Bhadrapad Shudh Chaturthi to the Ananta Chaturdashi.
The final day of Ganesh Chaturthi culminates in the grand, symbolic immersion of Lord Ganesha idols, known as 'Visarjan'. The idols are paraded through the streets, accompanied by dancing, singing and rejoicing, before being immersed in a body of water. This ritual serves as a symbolic farewell to the deity. Despite the festivities' conclusion, the joyous spirit of Ganesh Chaturthi continues to uplift its devotees, leaving them waiting in anticipation for the next year's celebration.