Corpus Christi, known in Croatia as 'Tijelovo', is a significant Christian holiday that boasts deep-rooted traditions within the country. It is celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, exhibiting a fascinating fusion of faith and unique cultural practices. Given the importance attached to Catholic beliefs in Croatian society, locals actively participate in religious rites and street processions on this day.

The Corpus Christi celebrations in Croatia are renowned for the famous processions of believers on local streets. These processions or 'procesijas' illustrate the Eucharistic adoration, where the Holy Sacrament is taken in a monstrance for public veneration. The subtle coupling of religious reverence with a serene display of communal solidarity marks the holiday as a revered Croatian tradition.

In addition to Trinidad-like processions, the Corpus Christi day in Croatia also often involves the adornment of streets with flowers and lush green vegetation, emphasizing the late Spring's beauty. These practices form an integral part of local folklore. Regardless of age, this holiday tends to bring people together to celebrate, manifesting its significance in Croatian cultural life and European history in general.