The 'Day of Victory Over Fascism' is a highly significant public holiday in Slovakia, which is annually commemorated on the 8th of May. This day marks the end of World War II in Europe, particularly the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the allied forces in 1945. It symbolizes the triumph of democracy over fascism, an ideology that put the world into chaos and resulted in the loss of millions of lives.

On this day, a number of solemn events and ceremonies are typically held in Slovakia. Slovakians pay tribute and honor to those who lost their lives during World War II. The primary purpose of these events is to remember the past and pay respect to the courage and sacrifice of those who fought against the fascist regime. Many take flowers to the monuments dedicated to the victims of WWII and war veterans often share their experiences and stories.

Aside from public commemorations, this holiday tremendously impacts Slovakians on a personal level. Families gather together and conversations about the country's history are common. The day serves not only as a reminder of the dark past and the value of peace, but it also reinforces the importance of unity and resilience in the face of adversity. The 'Day of Victory Over Fascism' in Slovakia serves as a powerful and poignant reminder of the strength of peace over war, democracy over dictatorship, and unity over division.