Easter Monday is observed by Christians in Croatia as a day to recover from the activities of Easter Sunday and to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a day off for the general population of Croatia, and schools and most businesses are closed. People take the opportunity to continue the rejoicing theme of Easter Sunday or to rest from their celebrations.

In Croatia, Easter Monday represents the end of the Easter season, which begins 50 days prior with Lent. During these 50 days, locals would partake in Fasting and religious observances, leading up to Holy Week, which culminates in Easter Sunday, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to Christian beliefs. Easter Monday is then seen as the conclusion of this pivotal Christian period.

Easter Monday in Croatia is celebrated with various traditions. One such tradition is the ceremonial 'watering'. In this custom, boys splash girls with cologne or perfumed water for good health and beauty. Easter eggs, that are often decorated on Good Friday or Easter Saturday, also play a significant role during this holiday. Traditional food, such as Pinca, a sweet yeast-raised bread, is also commonly enjoyed.