Labour Day in Andorra is a highly significant annual event celebrated on the 1st of May. It is a public holiday, during which businesses and government offices may close. Typically, the whole country joins in on observing this special day which highlights the achievements and contributions of the workforce. Labour Day is an opportunity for people in Andorra to honor the labor movement and is primarily a day of rest and relaxation for workers. It represents a well-earned break afforded to laborers as a reward for their hard work and consistency throughout the year.

It is not uncommon to witness parades and political demonstrations on Labour Day in Andorra. This resonates with the historical roots of May Day, which date back to the late 19th century when workers around the world rallied for fair working conditions and eight-hour workdays. While the intensity of such demonstrations isn't as fierce today, the spirit of solidarity, unity, and the continuous fight for workers' rights are constantly echoed in these gatherings. The tradition of May Day demonstrations highlights the significance of Andorra's labor force, indicating their importance in shaping the country's economy.

Labour Day in Andorra does not solely focus on addressing labor issues; it is also an occasion for Andorrans to unwind and enjoy recreational activities. Many people take advantage of this day off to spend time with their family and friends, engaging in social gatherings, outdoor games, and picnics. It serves as a symbol of leisure time resulting from the fight for shorter workdays, serving to remind the workforce of this significant victory. Despite being a small country, Andorra's Labour Day celebrations carry profound resonance, highlighting the value and dignity of work and the people who contribute to the society through their labor.