Labour Day, also known as May Day, is an annual public holiday celebrated in Egypt, and it takes place on the first day of May. This holiday is dedicated to the working class and laborers across the country. The origins of the holiday can be traced back to the international labour movement and it is a time for people to rest from their labors and unwind. The government often issues a formal speech emphasizing the importance of workers in the economic accounting of the nation.

The celebration of Labour Day in Egypt is characterized by a variety of events and traditions. Often, workers will arrange parades or marches in major cities, demonstrating unity and strength of the labor force. The day may also be marked by musical concerts, sports events, and community gatherings. It is a day where workers rights are highlighted and issues related to labor laws and wages are discussed.

Labour Day also signifies the start of the warmer season in Egypt, making it a day of widespread enjoyment. Despite its roots in labor rights, the holiday has evolved over time and many Egyptians use it as an opportunity to relax, spend time with family and enjoy outdoor activities. The day off is much appreciated by all Egyptians as they take this day to celebrate the contribution of workers to the nation's development and progress.