Labour Day in Liechtenstein is celebrated every year on May 1st. This public holiday is also known as International Workers' Day or May Day. In this small Central European principality, it is a day set aside to honor the workforce and recognize the importance and contributions of the working class. This holiday echoes the international sentiment of giving value and reverence to the workers who help keep the country's industries and services running smoothly.

The celebration of Labour Day has a long history dating back to the late 19th century, and Liechtenstein has joined in this tradition, embracing the day as an opportunity to promote worker's rights and commemorate the struggles and gains of workers. Various activities mark this day including rallies, demonstrations, cultural events, and festivities organized mainly by trade and labor unions. These events aim to highlight the importance of labor rights and the need for decent work conditions, fair wages, and social protection for all workers.

Despite being one of the smallest countries in the world, Liechtenstein has a strong economy. The acknowledgement of Labour Day as a public holiday is a reflection of the respect given to workers as the backbone of this prosperity. Symbolic activities on Labour Day also serve as a reminder of the continuing efforts needed to ensure equality and fair conditions within the workforce. Regardless of whether citizens take part in the organized events, many use this day for rest and relaxation, appreciating the break in regular workday routine.