Labour Day, also known as May Day, is celebrated annually on May 1st in Pakistan. It is a time to respect and appreciate the contributions made by workers to the society and the economy. This holiday is part of the International Workers' Day observance which is celebrated in many countries around the world. Introduced in Pakistan in 1972, Labour Day is a public holiday, giving workers a well-deserved day of rest.

On Labour Day, various events are organised to promote and highlight the rights of workers. These include rallies, demonstrations, seminars, and other gatherings where speeches are made by union leaders and social activists. The primary aim of these activities is to draw attention to the working conditions of laborers and advocate for their rights and welfare, such as safer workplaces, fair wages, and security of job tenure.

Labour Day in Pakistan is not just a day off from work, but also a day of reflection. It reminds everyone about the conditions and sacrifices of labourers. Despite their significant contribution to the society and the economy, labourers in Pakistan still face numerous challenges such as low wages, lack of job security, and poor working conditions. On this day, efforts are intensified to bring about changes that can improve the lives of these hardworking individuals.

Upcoming Labour Day holidays in Pakistan

Labour Day 2026

01 May 2026

Labour Day 2027

01 May 2027