Nevruz Day, also known as Nowruz or 'new day', is a notable holiday celebrated in Albania and various other countries across Central Asia and the Middle East. The holiday ushers in the Spring season, marking the traditional New Year in the Persian calendar. Celebrated on 21st or 22nd March each year, Nevruz Day is a reflection of Albanian customs and traditions, dating back to ancient times.

The celebrations of Nevruz Day in Albania are quite vibrant and colorful. People come together to celebrate the revival of nature, expressing their joy and happiness in the form of feasts, music, and dance. Symbolizing new beginnings, it is a time for cleaning homes and souls, paying off debts, and refreshing relationships. The holiday holds a significant cultural and historical value, often associated with the values of friendship, reconciliation, and neighborliness.

On Nevruz Day, several traditional Albanian dishes are prepared and served, signifying prosperity and abundance. One of the customary practices includes jumping over the bonfire, believed to purify the soul and embrace the new year with renewed spirit. Moreover, many in Albania also plant several types of trees on Nevruz Day as a symbol of new life and rebirth. Though the celebrations vary throughout different regions of the country, the underlying spirit of the Nevruz Day remains the same - welcoming the spring and celebrating the renewal of nature.