New Year's Day, known in Spanish as 'Año Nuevo,' is a significant celebration in Colombia and is marked by a public holiday. It is a day where most Colombians reflect on the past and look forward to the future. Celebrations usually begin on the eve of New Year's Day, with families getting together to feast on traditional Colombian dishes and letting off fireworks displays. It is an occasion of happiness and anticipation for the year to come.

In Colombia, you will find unique New Year's Day customs and traditions. One such tradition is the 'burning of the old year,' where effigies resembling someone who had a significant impact on society during the past year are made and burned at midnight. It symbolizes the letting go of the past and welcoming in the new. Another popular tradition is eating 12 grapes at midnight, each grape representing good luck for each month of the new year. Also, widespread is the tradition of walking around with an empty suitcase, which supposedly brings travel opportunities in the coming year.

New Year's Day in Colombia is a colorful and vibrant event. Aside from family gatherings, there are also public and social events like live music concerts, dancing events, and fireworks displays. Many people don their best yellow attire and enjoy traditional music and dance to celebrate. As the first day of a new calendar year, it is a holiday marked with optimism and joy, where people wish each other health, prosperity, and a happy new year. Overall, Colombians take New Year's Day as an opportunity to set optimistic goals, enjoy time with family and friends, and embrace a new start.