New Year's Day is a national holiday in Liechtenstein, a small, landlocked country in the Alpine region of Western Europe. Every year on January 1st, the whole country joins the rest of the world in bidding goodbye to the past year and celebrating the promise of a fresh new year. New Year's Day is eagerly anticipated and seen as a time for renewal and optimism for the coming year.

The celebration of New Year's Day in Liechtenstein reflects a blend of local traditions and modern festivities. Leading up to the big day, locals partake in year-end preparations that involve clearing the house of old items, symbolizing the purging of past misfortunes while making room for new opportunities. This is also a time for family and friends to gather, share meals, and exchange well-wishes. Sharing of traditional food and drink, such as herring salad and local wines, forms a crucial part of the New Year's Day celebrations.

As the clock strikes midnight, marking the start of the New Year, fireworks light up the sky across Liechtenstein, creating spectacular displays that add to the joy and excitement of the occasion. Residents spend the day visiting loved ones, sharing greetings, and taking part in outdoor activities, taking advantage of the scenic Alpine landscape. Despite its small size, Liechtenstein's New Year's Day is a vibrant blend of history, tradition, and modern celebrations.