Orthodox Easter Monday, also known as Bright Monday or Renewal Monday, is a public holiday in Albania. The holiday occurs after Orthodox Easter Sunday, which symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, according to Christian belief. Albania, as a country that harbors a significant Orthodox Christian population, observes Orthodox Easter Monday with deep-rooted reverence and a variety of traditions.

The celebration of Orthodox Easter Monday in Albania typically involves gatherings with family and friends, feasting on traditional meals, and participating in special church services. The meals often include lamb and a variety of Easter breads, symbolizing the 'Lamb of God'. As it's the day after resurrection, it's also seen as a day of joy and bright color, often associated with spring and renewal. The churches ring bells and many locals attend the liturgy, which centers on the Gospel of John's account of Jesus' appearances to his disciples following his resurrection.

Public life in Albania on Orthodox Easter Monday slows down significantly. Government offices, schools, and many private businesses are closed on this day. The holiday provides an opportunity for Albanians to spend time with loved ones, to rest, and to reflect on the profound spiritual significance of the Easter season. This occasion is also used to bring the community together through shared meals, story-telling sessions, and communal prayers—enriching the cultural fabric of the country.