Pohnpei Constitution Day is a significant holiday celebrated in the Pohnpei state, which is one of the four states of the Federated States of Micronesia. Celebrated every year on May 11, this day not only marks the enactment of the constitution of Pohnpei but also its self-governance. The constitution granted the state of Pohnpei the right to self-governance, an important aspect of their history, and the citizens commemorate this every year.

This holiday is a chance for the local community of Pohnpei to come together and celebrate their heritage and history as a free and self-governing state. It features a range of festivities including traditional dances, performances and sports attended by the local community and visitors alike. The local government also organizes special events to mark the occasion, showcasing the vibrant culture and rich heritage of the island state.

On Pohnpei Constitution Day, there is an outpouring of national pride among the residents as they recall the crucial step towards sovereignty taken on this day. Schools, businesses, and government offices usually close on this day, as people take to the streets to participate in the celebrations. Despite being just one of the four states that make up the Federated States of Micronesia, Pohnpei Constitution Day serves as a reminder of the shared history and common struggles that bind all of these states together.