Yap Constitution Day is a significant holiday observed annually on the 1st of May in the Yap State, a main island in the Federated States of Micronesia. This special day commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of the Yap State, marking the establishment of this insular area's self-governance. Its citizens remember and honor the creation of the constitution, a fundamental law salient to their political, economic, and cultural progression.

In the celebration of the Yap Constitution Day, the locals engage in various activities reflecting their traditions and culture. This could range from local games, traditional dances, feasting on authentic local cuisines to organized public speeches and processions. The holiday acts as a platform to promote unity and communal harmony among the Yapese as they pay tribute to the establishment of their constitution and their continuous exercising of sovereignty.

The Yap Constitution Day also reminds the Yapese of the importance of the constitution in safeguarding their rights and broadening their social opportunities. It offers a moment to reflect on the progress the Yap State has made since its inception and the challenges that lie ahead. With the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean's sparkling waters and scenic beauty, Yap Constitution Day is a poignant event holding great importance for the people of the Yap State, demonstrating them as a resilient and culturally rich community continually shaping their future in line with the values of their constitution.