Pohnpei Liberation Day is a public holiday in Micronesia, specifically in the state of Pohnpei. This significant day is celebrated on the 11th of September each year. It commemorates the liberation of Pohnpei Island from Japanese control during World War II by the United States forces in 1945. The day is a symbol of freedom and independence, and an opportunity to honor those who fought for the liberty of the State.

On Pohnpei Liberation Day, residents of Micronesia, particularly those living in Pohnpei, engage in various festive activities. There are organized cultural performances, parades, storytelling sessions regarding the events of the liberation, and sports events. It is also a time for the local community to display their traditions and customs, with traditional food and drinks being an integral part of the celebration.

The holiday is significant in the fact that it reinforces the sense of identity and unity among the citizens of Pohnpei and Micronesia as a whole. It's not just a commemoration of the past, but also an avenue for educating the younger generations about the history and resilience of their people. Over the years, Pohnpei Liberation Day has remained a proud tradition in Micronesia, a testament to their heroic past and a celebration of their freedom.