Sacred Heart Day, also known as 'El Sagrado Corazon', is a significant celebration in Colombia. Often tied to the Catholic faith, it is solemnly commemorated 19 days after the Pentecost Sunday, usually falling in June. The holiday honors the Sacred Heart of Jesus, symbolizing his divine love for humanity. During this day, Colombians attend religious gatherings, parades, and festivities in a congregation of faith and devotion.

The Colombian culture is predominantly Catholic, and the celebration of Sacred Heart Day is a reflection of the country's deeply-rooted religious traditions. The day involves various religious practices such as the Holy Mass, prayers, and processions. Beautiful altars are also arranged in homes, where family members gather to pray. In many places, there are also grand processions featuring the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Aside from its religious aspect, Sacred Heart Day also presents an opportunity for Colombian families to come together, strengthening family ties and fostering unity. This day is often marked with gatherings where traditional Colombian food is shared. As a public holiday, schools and most businesses close, allowing a leisurely pace for Colombians to fully enjoy and participate in this event. The Sacred Heart day, with its distinct blend of religious expression and family tradition, is a testament to the vibrancy of Colombian culture.