St. Joseph's Day, observed in Liechtenstein on March 19th, is a public holiday that is rooted in rich religious customs. It is dedicated to St. Joseph, who is known as the husband of the Virgin Mary and the foster father of Jesus Christ. According to religious scriptures and teachings, he played a crucial role in the life of Christ, providing him with protection and guidance. He is universally recognised as the patron saint of workers.

The people of Liechtenstein celebrate St. Joseph's Day with immense passion and zeal. As a mostly Catholic country, church services and processions form an important part of the celebrations. Parishes across the nation conduct special masses highlighting the virtues of St. Joseph and his significant role in biblical history. Also, it is a tradition to prepare 'Zeppole' or 'Bignè di San Giuseppe', a pastry that originated in Italy, on this day, in honour of St. Joseph.

Aside from religious practices, St. Joseph's Day also acts as a day to appreciate workers. Given that Saint Joseph himself was a carpenter, it is a day where the citizens of Liechtenstein, irrespective of their profession, appreciate the value of labor. Schools and businesses are closed, allowing everyone to partake the celebration wholly. Despite being a relatively small country, the energy and reverence Liechtenstein shows towards St. Joseph's Day is remarkable.