Victory Day, observed on June 23 every year, is a special public holiday in Estonia. This significant day marks the historic victory in the Battle of Vonnu in 1919 during the Estonian War of Independence. It signifies the strength, resilience, and unity of the Estonian forces as they fought against much larger opposing forces. The holiday serves as a perfect reflection of the Estonians' valiant spirit and their determination to safeguard their freedom and sovereignty.

The observance of Victory Day in Estonia is typically marked by a range of events held across the country. These events include patriotic speeches, ceremonial laying of wreaths, public concerts, and various sports competitions. A traditional highlight is the lighting of the Midsummer Night's bonfires, symbolizing the light of freedom that can drive away darkness. It's not unusual to see the Estonian flag hoisted atop homes, offices, and public buildings on this day, as a sign of pride and respect for the nation's past struggles.

More than just a holiday, Victory Day in Estonia is a commemoration of the courage and sacrifice of the country's forebears who fought for Estonia's freedom. It is a time for the people of Estonia to remember and value their roots, their history, and the freedom they enjoy today. The joyful celebrations, national non-working day, and the shared feeling of patriotism on Victory Day encourage a strong sense of national unity and remind everyone of the need to preserve and cherish the independence they have won.